Thursday 18 November 2010

An Unexpected Party

This is where we begin, with a classic tale of dungeons and dragons and dwarves. Oh, and a hobbit! That's right, to begin our epic journey through literature, we begin at the beginning. The reason I chose this particular book to begin with, was the outrage, and constant talking about it that you are sure to encounter. (If you live in New Zealand that is.) They are making a film of this tale. How do you think that'll work out for them?

Anyway we begin in the first chapter, as is customary, and sadly still have not left the first chapter. I didn't get very much reading done last night. Not at all! So far we have been introduced to 13 dwarves, a wizard, and of course, a hobbit. The dwarves, (Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombour, Dori, Ori, Nori, and of course, Thorin.) have sung for us a merry song and a beginning song. The merry song, probably entitled That's what Bilbo Baggins Hates amused me almost as much as the fact that Balin had a blue beard. The beginning song was pretty decent, but not top of the charts material. As for the story itself... Well.

So far, Bilbo Baggins has decided that he is not going on an adventure, thank you very much, and that he is going to stay home from the dragon's mount and, oh I don't know, replenish his larder or something. Dwarves eat a lot, almost as much as hobbits. However we all know how that turns out for him. Perhaps I should fininsh my chapter?

Well let's get on with it then.

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